aPPlE cUStOMeR sUPPoRt NuMbeR 1888 223 8982 The "root wheel" Issue: Fixing a Broken Mac OS X Print Provider

aPPlE cUStOMeR sUPPoRt  NuMbeR 1888 223 8982   The "root wheel" Issue: Fixing a Broken Mac OS X Print Provider  aPPlE cUStOMeR sUPPoRt  NuMbeR 1888 223 8982   The "root wheel" Issue: Fixing a Broken Mac OS X Print Provider Few of the users have complained aPPlE cUStOMeR sUPPoRt  NuMbeR 1888 223 8982   The "root wheel" Issue: Fixing a Broken Mac OS X Print Provider of strange issues with the newly installed PaperCut Application server or the secondary server over the machines running on Mac OS X. As the PaperCut aPPlE cUStOMeR sUPPoRt  NuMbeR 1888 223 8982   The "root wheel" Issue: Fixing a Broken Mac OS X Print Provider print provider begins to monitor the printer over the server, the print tasks begins stuck in the queue of the operating system with the status highlighting “Paused.” When they make effort of running the script “Control Print Monitoring.command” for making adjustments then they come across critical error notification. When they uninstall the PaperCut, everything gets back to normal. If you are facing similar error getting the Mac installing to run well then start the step by seeing over the access of the own file of PaperCut. Open up the window of the Terminal and then shift to the directory highlighting replacing the "[app-path]" along with the installed location of the PaperCut: “cd [app-path]/providers/print/mac.” Then simply run the below mentioned command to the files list found by the side of their permissions: “ls –lathr.” The files must be given permission by the user account of PaperCut, and if the case is such then the listing of the files appears as: “-rwxr-xr-x 1 papercut admin 1.9M 31 May 16:09 pc-event-monitor.” But if in any case, thing don’t turns out to be like mentioned one and you get “-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1.9M 31 May 16:09 pc-event-monitor” then there is something wrong while the process of installation. Initially we need to run “roottasks” and “setperms” script that is placed in similar place. Normally, such things run at installation time and then ensure that the provider of PaperCut Print holds the requisite permission for successfully interacting with the queues of printing. These might have failed for running properly so user need to try again all of them now. sudo ./roottasks sudo ./setperms Check the permission again if you have properly completed the above mentioned runs. If the files even now belongs to the user “root” and group “wheel” or all the printing remains unsuccessful otherwise then you need to go ahead over following more critical steps. Further uninstall the PaperCut from the server by simply using the script “Uninstall.command” found in the directory of installation. Then step ahead for unbinding the server from any respective domain that is recently related to. This can be easily performed by first opening the application OS X “Directory Utility”. Then further tap over the small edit button over the lower left,  Once done, try to reinstall the PaperCut over the machine. Further verify the file permissions and then test print at this particular stage; if everything is well then rebind the server to respective domain, and once again test and then click on the “Unbind….” For more information, dial the toll free number and reach out to the


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